the journal

Articles, interviews, the latest science and real-life stories to empower your cellular health journey.

How does MitoQ work

What is MitoQ really doing inside of the cell? The Mitoquinol mesylate mechanism of action.

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11 mins to read

Latest stories

MitoQ ingredients glossary

Discover the ingredients we use to formulate our range of premium mitochondrial health supplements - with dosage and claims.

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MitoQ ingredients glossary

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Heart Health And How MitoQ Helps

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MitoQ wrapped: a 2023 recap

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Meet the MitoQ Science Expert Panel

Meet the MitoQ Global Science Expert Panel Providing strategic advice for product development, education and innovation, ensuring that we as a brand maintain our leadership and foresight in cellular health research directions.

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5 mins to read

Science & research

MitoQ pure product

Targeted antioxidants: Explained

The problem with common antioxidant supplements on the market is that they often don’t reach the places that free radicals accumulate the most in the body – the mitochondria. MitoQ is different.

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Cell support

How to support damaged cells naturally

When a cell is initially disturbed, it tends to swell. Damage that isn’t too chronic or severe can be overcome and, if mitochondrial function is restored, the cell can recover its normal functioning.

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mitochondria and cells

Are mitochondria the key to mental health?

Researchers believe that a deeper understanding of the science of mitochondria can help us finally connect the dots when it comes to maintaining good mental health.

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Health & wellness

skin cells and mitochondria

How to support your skin cells

The skin you’re looking at today is in a constant state of regeneration. Every day, you shed over 30,000 skin cells which are swiftly replaced with new ones through a process called cell regeneration.

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Understanding Metabolic Energy: The Role of Mitochondria in Your Health

Did you know that mitochondria, the tiny powerhouses found inside almost every one of your cells, play a key role in your metabolic rate?

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Heart Aging: How Your Heart Changes As You Age

The heart requires a huge amount of energy produced by your mitochondria and as you age, this need for energy only increases as the functionality of the heart naturally changes.

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MitoQ ingredients glossary

Discover the ingredients we use to formulate our range of premium mitochondrial health supplements - with dosage and claims.

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a woman dancing with her daughter on the beach

Heart Health And How MitoQ Helps

A properly functioning heart is highly dependent on properly functioning mitochondria. Learn how MitoQ can play a role in your heart health...

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MitoQ pure pills in hand

MitoQ wrapped: a 2023 recap

2023 was a big year of changes and battles won, and we’re sure there are some you will have missed! So, here’s a quick recap.

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MitoQ NZ Cycling Project

How MitoQ supports NZ Cycling Project’s race success

We’ve been following the team’s progress and keeping up with how MitoQ has been supporting them throughout the races. Their 2022 race results were nothing short of amazing, and their MitoQ reviews speak for themselves.

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MitoQ's Chief Science & Technology Officer

Meet our new CSO: Siobhan Mitchell

Get to know MitoQ’s Chief Science and Technology Officer Siobhan Mitchell!

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Endurance coach Paul Cadman

MitoQ live: why athletes need antioxidants

Find out why athletes need antioxidants in this Q&A interview with MitoQ expert + endurance coach Paul Cadman.

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