5 self-care tips during periods of stress and burnout
Mar 13, 2023
| 3 mins to read
Incorporate these self-care tips into your self-care routine for more relaxation and less stress and burnout!
Mar 13, 2023
Jul 8, 2024
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Whether you’re experiencing stress and burnout in the workplace or just in life in general, having a self-care routine in place can make a huge difference. Research-backed benefits of self-care activities include reduced stress and burnout, improved sympathetic nervous system regulation, reduced stress hormone levels and an improved mood. If you’re looking for some physical and emotional self-care tips, check out our ideas below. We encourage you to weave them into your own personalized self-care plan.
Forest bathing
Forest bathing (known in Japan as Shinrin-Yoku) is a popular concept in Japan and China that relates to the health benefits of spending time in nature. It’s been thoroughly researched – though more research is needed in the Western world - and experts believe it serves as a health promotion method, especially when it comes to reducing modern-day stress.
To incorporate it into your own routine: make time every week (or day, if you can!) to immerse yourself in nature. This might be by going for a weekend hike or simply relaxing at your local park – whatever is realistic for you at this time in your life.
Mindfulness meditation
Mindfulness meditation has become hugely popular around the globe in recent years – and there’s good reason for it. Put simply, mindfulness meditation lets you focus on being aware of the present moment; letting you explore your senses and emotions without fear or judgement. Researchers have found multiple benefits to this style of meditation. In nursing, a job known to be fast-paced and stressful, mindfulness meditation has been shown to effectively decrease stress and burnout.
To incorporate it into your own routine: simply search “mindfulness meditation” on YouTube, Spotify or look for a mindfulness meditation app on your phone. You might even want to track down an in-person mindfulness meditation class near you.
Longvida Curcumin
A perhaps lesser-known self-care tip is to take research-backed ingredients – such as Longvida Curcumin. Available within our MitoQ +curcumin formula, research has found that this form of curcumin can support mood and working memory.
To incorporate it into your own routine: check out the abundance of research behind Longvida Curcumin and MitoQ, and try MitoQ +curcumin for yourself!
For many, yoga has become a go-to approach to de-stressing physically and mentally. Practicing yoga has been shown to reduce the stress hormone cortisol and reduce resting heart rates.
To incorporate it into your own routine: Find a beginner’s yoga class near you (or an intermediate/advanced class if you’re a seasoned yogi!) or simply find an online class with a qualified instructor.
Yes, sleep counts as self-care – and it’s a very important aspect of it! If there’s one basic thing you can do to look after your physical and mental health, it’s to get enough sleep. In one study that explored reduced sleep among medical students, stress and a lack of sleep were shown to be interconnected. The American Psychological Association reports that most Americans would be happier, healthier and safer if they got an extra 60-90 minutes of sleep per night, and that adults who get less than 8 hours per night report higher stress levels than those who are getting 8+ hours per night of shut-eye.
Asha Hira BPharm
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