9 surprising things that drain your personal energy
May 15, 2023
|We all want to live an energized life, but after a long day of work, chasing circles around the kids and all the cooking, cleaning and commuting in between – it can be hard to maintain good levels of physical, mental and emotional energy.
May 15, 2023
While it’s normal to feel fatigued from time to time when you’ve overexerted yourself, if you don’t have enough personal energy to make it through the day without burning yourself into the ground – it could be time to take inventory of where your energy is going.
What is “personal energy”
Your personal energy is made up of three very important things – your physical, mental and emotional energy. We believe that you need to maintain a good balance of all three in order to feel energized, and to get the most out of life. Becoming aware of your personal energy will help you notice when you’re overtaxing yourself in one area, and if you need to give back to yourself in another. The more you practice balancing your personal energy, the more energized and purpose-fueled you’ll feel in your everyday life.
If you're covering your basics (staying hydrated, eating well, getting a good night’s sleep and moving your body) you’re on the right track. But unfortunately – your energy can be drained in many different ways, and you might be surprised to know that some of your daily habits will be zapping your reserves.
9 surprising things that drain your personal energy
1. Cell stress
Your cells generate energy for your body to function, and since you are almost entirely made up of cells, – having healthy cells is the key to maintaining good personal energy. The energy your cells generate is foundational for all aspects of your health. But the thing is, your cells are exposed to stress on a daily basis that can disrupt their energy production. Factors like psychological stress, aging, and a poor diet can make your cells vulnerable to stress – which leads to cellular damage. When your cellular health is compromised, so too is your ability to have good personal energy.
Learn more about how MitoQ helps combat cell stress
2. A negative mindset
The inability to regulate your emotions can drain both your energy and motivation. If you have low self-esteem or you tend to see the glass as half empty, it can deeply impact your personal energy and the way you show up. Your attitude plays a huge role in your ability to navigate hard times, and the way you build resilience is by working on your mindset. By cultivating habits that support a positive mindset, you’ll naturally feel more energized and have a greater capacity to deal with whatever life throws at you.
3. Under-fueling
An obvious but often undermined factor that contributes to low energy is under-fueling. The body requires an immense amount of nutrients and energy, and the measurement of exactly how much fuel your body needs to accomplish life-sustaining functions alone is known as your basal metabolic rate (BMR). Your BMR tells you the amount of energy or calories your body requires at rest (e.g. if you stayed in bed all day and didn’t move), and spoiler alert – it's a lot. When you add in work, exercise and everything else in between – your energy demands increase on top of this, which only highlights the importance of fueling yourself properly. How often are you skipping breakfast, or relying on snacks to get you by instead of sitting down to a balanced meal? Never underestimate the power of fueling your body right.
4. Imbalanced blood sugar
While eating enough is crucial – eating the right foods plays a huge role in energy production. The food you eat is broken down into macronutrients (carbohydrates/proteins/fats) and released into the bloodstream to be used as energy. Each macronutrient affects the body differently, but some foods cause a rapid spike in blood sugar – and what goes up, must come down! When your blood sugar levels drop, so do your mood and energy levels. Keeping your blood sugar stable so you’re not experiencing these dramatic highs and lows over the course of the day is what will bring you long-lasting energy that crosses into all areas of your life. To do this, it’s important to eat balanced meals that are rich in protein and healthy fats to stabilize blood sugar levels.
5. Worry
The mind-body connection is a powerful thing, and if you spend your days worrying about the future or navigating constant stress – your energy batteries will be in some serious need of recharging. The surge of hormones that your stress response triggers can take a significant toll on your personal energy – draining you mentally, physically and emotionally. If your emotional energy tank is low, it can make everything seem like a challenge.
6. Not having a support system
If you don’t have people to turn to during hard times, it can feel like you’re bearing the weight of the world on your shoulders – which naturally, is pretty exhausting. When you're surrounded by a supportive network of people, you naturally feel more inspired, motivated and purpose-led in your life. Each interaction is an energy exchange - so create connections with people who recharge your batteries.
7. A disorganized environment
If you’re feeling mentally and physically drained, the last thing you probably feel like doing is channeling your inner Marie Kondo and cleaning out your office. But you may (or may not) be surprised to know that getting your external environment in order can actually help you feel more motivated, and better able to prioritize the things that are important to you. When your surroundings feel chaotic and unorganized, so will you. Being organized gives you the space to pour more energy into the things that matter.
8. You’re not closing your rings
Open ‘rings’ consist of all of those unfinished tasks that are weighing on your mind. How often do you jump from one project to the next without seeing anything through to its completion? Splitting your energy off into multiple areas at a time may work for some people, but it can be incredibly draining for others. If you want to get the most out of your time and energy, make a conscious effort to finish what you start and close all of your ‘rings’ as you go (sans apple watch).
9. Saying yes (when you really mean no)
We all have to do things we don’t want to do sometimes, but how often are you signing yourself up for things you really don’t want to do? Maintaining your personal energy levels is all about finding out how your energy is being distributed – and if it’s worth it. It’s only human nature to want to seek approval and validation, but if you’re saying yes out of fear and it’s not coming from a place of authenticity, then you’re saying no to yourself – which ultimately leaves you feeling exhausted.
The bottom line
The greatest energy-drainers can sometimes be found in the places you would least expect, so keeping tabs on how you feel in different circumstances will help you identify what fills you up – and what depletes you.
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