MitoQ clinical trial - MitoQ prevents damage to mitochondrial DNA after exercise

MitoQ is increasingly being studied for its ability to improve endurance, recovery and physical performance. So far, anecdotal evidence from athletes has recorded improvements in VO2 max, HRV (heart rate variability) and shortened recovery periods after intense physical training.

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In a recent study, published by the Sport and Exercise Research Institute at Ulster University, lead author Dr Josh Williamson and his team investigated MitoQ’s potential benefits to mitigating damage caused by high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) to mitochondrial DNA in humans. HIIE exercise is a type of training which involves repeated bouts of high intensity effort followed by varied recovery times. Cardio and strength training are combined to create a well-rounded workout which puts a large amount of stress on your muscles.

How can exercise cause cell damage?

The production of mitochondrial ROS (reactive oxygen species, these are molecules that can cause damage to cells) occurs during and after exercise, and studies have shown that this can increase mitochondrial DNA damage. The Sport and Exercise Research Institute study on MitoQ specifically looked at whether our revolutionary antioxidant could help to prevent this damage.

How it was done

The study was split into two trials where participants took MitoQ in two different ways.

In the first trial, participants took either MitoQ or a placebo just once before exercise. Blood samples were taken pre-supplementation, after supplementation (but before the exercise) and post-exercise.

In the second trial, the same participants took either MitoQ or a placebo for a further 21 days. Blood samples were taken after exercise to investigate whether MitoQ could prevent damage. A muscle sample was also provided at baseline and pre- and post- exercise during the 21-day supplementation for analysis.

The results

The researchers found that one dose of MitoQ did not have an effect on the participants in trial one. However, when participants took MitoQ for 21 days, our mitochondrial-targeted antioxidant reduced mitochondria damage in lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) and muscle caused by high-intensity intermittent exercise.

Neutralizing nuclear and mitochondria DNA damage produced from exercise is important for ensuring that our mitochondria remain healthy and running at optimal. This in turn ensures that the numerous roles mitochondria are involved in such as controlling cell growth, survival and death, assisting calcium storage for cell signaling and regulating the immune system continue optimally, while we continue to enjoy the benefits of exercise.

So, if you’re needing more support to keep pushing your fitness goals and get more out of your training, don’t forget to keep (consistently) taking your MitoQ!.

To read the full study, click here

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